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Brusora Plus


Natural Dermatological Care

Brusina Plus is a powerful solution for managing allergies and skin diseases. Formulated with natural ingredients, it addresses skin discoloration, inflammation, and lesions while providing relief from conditions like psoriasis and fungal infections. Its potent antibacterial, antiviral, and antiallergic properties work together to cleanse the body, purify the blood, and promote healthy skin healing. 



Psoriasis, Leucoderma, Fungal/ Viral/ Bacterial Infections of Skin, Allergic Dermatitis, Eczema,  and Scabies etc.


Manjistadi Kwatham ext  120 mg
Panchavalkala ext 75 mg
Kaishora Guggul 50 mg
Sariva  Hemidesmus Indicus 60 mg
Pathya Terminalia chebula 50mg
Nimba Azadirachta Indica 50 mg
Guduchi  Tinospora Cordifolia  50 mg
Katuki Picrorhiza Kurroa 50 mg
Patola  Trichosanthes Dioica 50mg
Murva Marsdenia tenacissima 50 mg
Patha Cissampelos Pareira 50mg
Chandana Santalum Album 40 mg
Madhusnuhi  Smilax China 50 mg
Swetha kutaja  Wrightia Tinctoria 50mg
Bakuchi  Psoralea Corylifolia 50mg
Haridra   Curcumin Longa 40 mg
Daruharidra  Berberis Aristata 40 mg
Kumari Aloe Vera 40mg
Gandhak Rasayan 35 mg
Nimbamruthadi  Erandum  Base Oil

Key Benefits

  • Corrects skin discoloration, external inflammation, and lesions.
  • Effective for skin diseases such as psoriasis, versicolor, eczema, and leprosy.
  • Exhibits broad-spectrum antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.
  • Acts as a natural blood purifier, helping heal ulcers and various skin conditions.
  • Promotes peristalsis and works as a natural laxative to eliminate toxins.
  • Contains Gandhak Rasayan, traditionally used for treating chronic skin diseases like scabies and leprosy.


2 capsules each 3 times a day for the first 15 days after food.
2 capsules each 2 times a day for the next 15 days.

Maintenance dose as per the directive of the Physician.