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Natural Defense Against Sinus, Throat, and Cold Symptoms

Xycare is a trusted remedy designed to tackle sinusitis, tonsillitis, common cold, and flu. It provides fast and effective relief from symptoms like fever, headaches, nasal congestion, and throat pain, while boosting your immune system to combat viral and bacterial infections. Xycare is the go-to solution for relieving discomfort and enhancing your body’s defense against respiratory allergies and infections.

SKU: XYCARE Category:


Sinusitis, Tonsilitis, Common Cold, Flu Syndrome, Viral Fever, Congestive and Vascular Headaches.


Vasa    Adhatoda Vasica 50 mg
Brihati  Solanum Indicum 50mg
Yashti Glycyrrhiza Glabra  50mg
Amrutha  Tinospora Cordifolia 100mg
Thaleespatra  Abies Webbiana 50mg
Nimba  Azadirachta Indica  50mg
Rajani  Curcumin Longa  50mg
Nirgundi  Vitex Negundo  50mg
Bhallataka Semecarpus Anacardiun 50mg
Karpooravalli  Coleus Aromaticus 50mg
Thulasi  Occimum Sanctum 50mg
Lavanga  Syzygium Aromaticum 20mg
Ardraka  Zingiber Officinale  20mg
Lasuna  Allium Sativum 20mg
Pippali  Piper Longum 20mg
Maricha  Piper Nigrum 20mg
Mahasudarshan Churna  200mg
Tribhuvan Kirti Ras 100mg


Key Benefits

  • Alleviates fever and headache.
  • Relieves nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing.
  • Soothes throat inflammation and pain.
  • Supports respiratory health by combating allergies.
  • Strengthens immunity against viral and bacterial infections.


1 to 2 capsules tid as per the directive of Physician.