Showing 1–12 of 14 results

  • Bruarth


    Care For Arthritis

    Bruarth is a trusted and classical solution for effectively managing Arthritis. Crafted with traditional and well-accepted ingredients, including Ashwagandha and Punarnava, this herbal preparation is designed to swiftly reduce swelling and alleviate pain.

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  • Brucal


    Calcium Supplement

    Brucal is a natural herbal calcium supplement. It helps in strengthening ligaments and tendons, aiding in their repair, and promoting the rejoining of bones in fracture cases. Brucal is the preferred choice for managing osteoporosis effectively.

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  • Brucast-0


    Soft Gel Capsules

    Brucast-O offers a patient-friendly approach to detoxification. Notably, Brucast-O aids in reducing stiffness and fortifying joints, particularly in the lower back and knee areas.

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  • Brugyn


    Care for Uterine Disorders

    Brugyn is the go-to solution for addressing uterine dysfunction. This unique formulation is highly effective in halting excessive bleeding, without resorting to hormone supplements, offering a safer alternative to manage the menstrual cycle.

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  • Bruliv


    Care for Liver Disorders

    Bruliv is a powerful liver support supplement designed to enhance and invigorate the liver. It offers comprehensive protection to the liver by revitalizing damaged liver cells and supporting the correction of liver dysfunction and disorders.

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  • Bruneem


    Care for Bacterial Infections

    Bruneem is a potent blood purifier that offers a wide range of health benefits. It serves as a non-specific immunomodulator, bolstering the body’s immune response.

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  • Brunil


    Care For Mild To Moderate Arthritis

    Brunil is a powerful solution that offers high-potency anti-inflammatory and analgesic benefits. It is the ideal choice for addressing rheumatic diseases.

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  • Brunil F


    Care For Acute Arthritis

    Brunil F is a specialized solution for chronic arthritis that leverages the classical formulations of Punarnavadi and Maharasnadi Ghan. This unique blend is meticulously crafted to provide a therapeutic dose of the highly purified Shallaki, offering fast and effective relief from pain and inflammation in synovial joints.

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  • Brupain


    Care for Joint Pains, Sciatica, Cervical, and Lumbar Spondylitis

    Brupain is your go-to solution for fast relief from joint pains, inflammation, sciatica, and various rheumatic complications. This powerful formula not only eases stiffness in your joints and muscles but also helps reduce edema, restoring your mobility.

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  • Brupil


    Care for Piles and Hemorrhoids

    Brupil tablets are designed to alleviate the distressing symptoms of piles. They not only assist in the healing process but also effectively control Hemorrhoids.

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  • Bruride


    Care for Hypothyroidism

    In the modern era, hypothyroidism has emerged as a prevalent and troublesome endocrine disorder, affecting countless individuals. Bruride provides not only symptomatic relief but also brings equilibrium to thyroid function and secretion.

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  • Bruride Forte


    Care For Healthy Thyroid Functions

    Bruride Forte is a remarkable natural supplement designed to support thyroid health. Its key ingredient, Coleus, plays a pivotal role in normalizing thyroxine levels and reducing weight gain, providing a solution for those struggling with thyroid imbalances.

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