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Care for Sinusitis, Tonsillitis, Common Cold and Flu

Brusina is a trusted solution for a range of common ailments. It provides effective relief from fever and headaches, making it a go-to option for those battling discomfort.

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SKU: BRUSINA01 Category:


Sinusitis, Tonsilitis, Common Cold, Flu Syndrome, Viral Fever, Congestive and Vascular Headaches.


Mahasudarshan Ghan (Generic Medicine) 200 mg (A.B.–590)
Amruta Ghan. (Tinospora cordifolia) 100 mg (A.B.–202)
Sitopaladi Churna (Generic Medicine) 100 mg (A.B.–732)
Tribhuvankirti Ras (Generic Medicine) 100 mg (B.R.–55

Key Benefits

  • Brusina offers relief from fever and headache.
  • Relieves running nose, stuffy nose, and sneezing.
  • Clears inflammation and pain in the throat.
  • Helps fight respiratory allergies.
  • Improves immunity against Viral and Bacterial infections.


1 to 2 tablets tid as per the directive of Physician.