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Performance and Vitality Boost Naturally

An all-natural, highly effective combination of natural herbs designed to offer natural rejuvenation and vitality boost for both men and women. Recommended for improving sperm quality, quantity, and motility.

SKU: BRUMEX Category:


Addresses Infertility and Impotency. Used for increasing the duration of performance, and improving sperm quality, quantity, and motility.


Safed Musli (Asparagus Adseendens) 200 mg (A.B.-368)
Kaucha Beej (Mucuna Prurita) 200 mg (Bh.P.- 293)
Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) 200 mg (A.B.-107)
Gokshura  (TribulusTerrestris)  200 mg (A.B.-215)
Shilajith (Suddha) (Purified Asphaltum) 50 mg (A.B.-738) 
Badam (Prunuse Amigdalus) 100 mg (A.B.-311)
Kokilaksha (Asteracanth Longifolia 1) 50 mg (Bh.P.- 417)

Key Benefits

  • Helps to overcome libido problems in both partners.
  • Improves the desire and stamina to perform well.
  • Effectively relieves anxiety and tension associated with loss of libido.
  • Aids in timing prolongation for men.
  • Enhances overall aptitude and fitness of mind and body.
  • Helps restore the fading bliss in adults.
  • In females: Provides hormonal balance and corrects endometrial receptivity of ovum, protects implanted ovum for full and healthy gestation.
  • In Males: Improves timing, quality, quantity, and motility of sperm.


1 tablet in the morning and 2 tablets at bedtime.
(Use for a minimum of 75 days to improve sperm count.)